Monday, September 9, 2019

Determinism and free will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Determinism and free will - Essay Example The contrast of determinism is free will. The text was quite interesting, which provoked my decision of choosing it. The text talks about the free will and the truth of determinism. Many occasions human beings find themselves in agony when they are making decisions. The text gave me an insight of understanding that there are provoking factor when human being making choices in life and the decision that they make are sometimes determined by other occurrences. Since before I took this course and read a text about the free will and determinism. I had a thought that we human beings being the superior creatures in the beautiful world we are at liberty to choose to undertake what we wish to. This notion was erased by the knowledge that I got from the text about the Holbach and Taylor on determinism/free will (Holton 415). This reality was quite impressing to me that it motivated me to write about it from my primary course. When I first read the above text, my initial thoughts were diverse. First, I thought that if all human being were considerate and humane enough then it will be of no essence to have rules and regulations governing them. Since if one does everything while back in mind having the idea of the probable consequences to him or her also to the surrounding. Secondly, the other thought that I had was that if people were always driven by necessity. When they are in a position to recognize it, then they would not have been pushed into doing what they are expected of them. For instance, we as students recognize what we are expected to achieve in this course, and then would not have waited up to when we are given assignment to do it. If necessity were a guiding principle, then we could have done the assignment earlier and achieve what our course is set to give us. Finally, the last thought that I had was that if all humankind were conservative enough to the others as they are to themselves. Thus , the issues of having ill

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